World-class Technical Support: 24-Hour Turnaround      
If there is any difficulty in using the product, please click the following link to visit our online help:

Note: If you want to ask tecnical information of DriverTuner™, Please provide the following information first:

  • DriverTuner™ version
  • Windows operating system (2000, XP - Home, Professional or Server, Vista - Home Basic, Home Premium,    Ultimate, Business or Enterprise Edition)
  • Internet connection type (Modem, DSL, cable, internal LAN, etc.)
  • Extra network details (about firewalls, routers, dynamic IP addresses, etc.)
  • Not Received or Lost License?

    You can use this link to resend License

    Product Purchasing & Customer Assistance

    Any question on sales, purchase, registration, new releases, upgrades, etc, please write to

    Product Inquiries & Technical Support

    Any inquiry or problem related to the use of product and technical support, please contact our support team at

    In addition, for those who want to join our affiliate program and become a partner of us, we offer special dedicated e-mail addresses so that your e-mails can reach the right person who can address the specific issue.

    Affiliate Program

    Any site is welcome to join in our Affiliate Program. If you have any question, please write to For details about this program, please visit our affiliate page at

    Cooperation Bay is actively broadening its distribution channels and cooperating with any company that would like to resell or OEM our software in legal manners. For this kind of issue, please write to

    Bug Report

    Finding the imperfection of our software is the best way to perfect it and guide us in the future. If you find any bug during your use of our software, please report it to our support team directly at, we will check it daily.


    All your requests will be answered within 1 working day!