How to Fix Code 37

Windows cannot initialize the device driver for this hardware. (Code 37)


The driver returned a failure when it executed the DriverEntry routine. Reinstall the drivers for this device.

Uninstall and reinstall the driver

Uninstall the driver from Device Manager, and then scan for new hardware to install the driver again. You may be prompted to provide the path of the driver. Windows may have the driver built-in, or may still have the driver files installed from the last time that you set up the device. However, sometimes, it will open the New Hardware Wizard which may ask for the driver. If you are asked for the driver and you do not have it, you can try to download the latest driver from the hardware manufacturer’s Web site.

1. On the device Properties dialog box, click the Driver tab, and then click Uninstall. Follow the instructions.
2. Restart your computer.
3. Open Device Manager, click Action, and then click Scan for hardware changes. Follow the instructions.

Recommended resolution:

has a huge database on our web server; more than 5,000,000 drivers are stored there, almost for all hardware manufacturers, all models and all windows versions. In short, there is a hardware, there is a driver on our database. DriverTuner will scan your computer’s hardware automatically, and then list the recommended drivers for you. You can choose which driver to download. After the download is completed, DriverTuner will install the drivers on your desktop or laptop automatically.

After running the scan, DriverTuner brings up a list of all the hardware on your computer, the current driver version, and which ones have more recent versions available online. You simply check off which ones you want to update, press download, and it does the rest for you. In nearly all cases, it can install the driver automatically for you (this often requires a Windows reboot before it functions), although in very rare cases you have to go into its directory and unzip the driver installation package manually. In general, then, it does exactly what it promises to, and does it quickly and simply.

Step1. Click the button [Start Scan] to scan for the drivers.

Step2.Browse and choose the drivers you want to fix or update, and then click the button [Download] to download the drivers.

Step3. Install the downloaded drivers.